Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

Our Approach
We strive to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking does not support our supply chain or our businesses. This objective is explicit in our relevant policies and our approach to human rights.
This statement sets out the approach GB Business Global has in place to prevent the occurrence of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain or in any of our business operations in Ireland and elsewhere.

Our Business
GB Business Global is a provider of outsourced services

  • Our Policies
    GB Business Global operates a number of policies which reflect our objective to acting ethically and in line with our legal and regulatory obligations with regard to our employees, customers and our business relationships. GB Business Global Code of Conduct is the standard that we set ourselves for what we say and do in our relationships with our customers, suppliers, colleagues, shareholders, regulators, government bodies and other parties. The Code represents our approach to the standards we expect from each other and it prescribes a set of behaviours expected of all employees of the company, wherever they work. We organise these standards under four principles with clear lines of individual responsibility:
    A. Customers – we treat customers fairly;
    B. Conduct – we act with integrity in our dealings;
    C. Colleagues – we are respectful to each other and value the contribution of others;
    D. Compliance – we comply with the Code, our policies and applicable legal and regulatory obligations.
    GB Business Global Speak Up – details the procedures our employees should follow if they have concerns about any wrongdoing, unlawful conduct, bribery, financial malpractice, dangers to the public or the environment, or possible fraud or other risks to the company
  • GB Business Global Resourcing – outlines our approach to recruiting employees for jurisdictions in which the GB Business Global operates. The principles of equality underpin our resourcing activity, seeking to ensure that inter-alia recruitment and selection processes are designed to support fairness.
  • Group Anti-Bribery and Corruption – this applies to all directors, officers and employees of the company, as well as third parties such as suppliers and sets out the rules with regard to bribery and corruption.
  • Group Anti-money Laundering – this applies to all our employees and sets out policies and procedures to prevent the commission of financial crime and the movement of money which has derived from crime.
  • Group Procurement – this sets out the requirements for the effective and consistent management for the procurement of Goods and Services for GB Business Global while ensuring that consistent procurement best practices are followed across GB Business Global.

Our Supply Chain
As GB Business Global is not in an industry with a high risk of modern day slavery, a risk based approach has been adopted to review supply chains that fall within industries that carry a high risk of modern day slavery.

  •  In conducting appropriate due diligence, GB Business Global assesses its suppliers across a number of key risk areas, at the on-boarding stage for all suppliers and annually thereafter for suppliers providing services of high criticality and dependency to the company.
  • GB Business Global has Code of Supplier Responsibility that sets out our expectations of our suppliers, and it seeks assurances (where appropriate) from our suppliers that they are complying with applicable laws and regulations including laws relating to minimum wages, working conditions, overtime, child labour and other applicable labour and environmental laws. This allows us to select suppliers to work with us who adhere to appropriate standards.
  • Detailed financial analysis and assessment of suppliers, reputations and experience is carried out. We also seek to identify if our suppliers operate a vendor management programme and carry out due diligence on their own suppliers to ensure that appropriate standards are being passed through the supply chain.
  • Our suppliers are required to notify us of a breach of applicable laws or regulations and outline their practices and procedures to ensure they do not engage in modern slavery (including their own supply chain).

Training and Awareness
GB Business Global is focused on raising awareness of our conduct as described above with colleagues across the organisation.
All staff receive support that includes training and guidance to ensure consistency of our recruitment processes, management of suppliers, fair treatment at work, and inclusion and diversity.

Directors Approval
Responsibility for ensuring that GB Business Global has appropriate statements in place to meet our obligations under the Modern Slavery Act rests with the Directors of the company.
This Statement has been approved 15 January 2022 and will be reviewed annually.
Brendan O’Neill – Managing Director