Financial Crime Compliance Statement

Our Commitment to Protecting our Customers, Colleagues and Communities

At GB Business Global, we have no tolerance for breaches of Financial Crime legislation or regulation.

Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Statement
GB Business Global is committed to prevention and fight against money laundering and the funding of terrorist and criminal activities. GB Business Global implements and operates an Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Programme to ensure that:

  • risks identified by GB Business Global are appropriately mitigated;
  • GB Business Global meets it legal and regulatory requirements in relation to knowing and protecting its customers;
  • GB Business Global, its employees and shareholders are protected.
  • GB Business Global has procedures in place based on various laws, regulations and regulatory guidance from Ireland, the European Union, the United Kingdom, United States of America and, as applicable, local jurisdictions in which GB Business Global does business;
  • Provision of regular training to all employees of GB Business Global.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Compliance Statement
At GB Business Global, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of business conduct and ethics wherever we operate or do business. GB Business Global has a zero tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption, whether as an initiator or recipient, including the facilitation of tax evasion.

This means that we must comply with all applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws, in all markets and jurisdictions where we operate.

  • Third Party / Supplier Risk:

we are required to ensure that appropriate due diligence and controls are applied to any third party GB Business Global engages, to ensure that they comply with all applicable anti-bribery legislation and regulation. When a third party performs services for or on behalf of GB Business Global, additional controls are applied to manage the enhanced risks from Associated Parties.

Mandatory training is conducted throughout GB Business Global on an annual basis.

Directors Approval
Responsibility for ensuring that GB Business Global has appropriate statements in place to meet our obligations rests with the Directors of the company.
This Statement has been approved 15 January 2022 and will be reviewed periodically.
Brendan O’Neill – Managing Director